Gunner Astosh Kumar hailed from Jaunpur in Uttar Pradesh and was a son of the Kargil war martyr Havaldar Lal Sahib. Inspired by his father, at the age of 19, Gunner Astosh had joined the Indian army. Patriotism and sense of sacrifice ran in the blood of Gunner Astosh Kumar as his father Hav Lal Sahib had laid down his life during the Kargil war in 1999 when he was barely a seven-year-old. He was recruited into 111 RKT Regt of the Regiment of Artillery, the combat arm of the Indian Army, well known for its booing field guns. After serving for a couple of years with his parent unit he was deputed to serve with 13 RR battalion, deployed in J&K for counter-insurgency operations.
Molik Sharma
2023 at 3:09 pmSalute to the family !
Chunnilal shah
2023 at 3:09 pmSalute u , this ur first memorial day 14/02/2018
Greeshma Dhyan
2023 at 3:10 pmIndia is lucky to have had a son like you. I salute you and your family for the sacrifice.
Col Vinod
2023 at 3:11 pmJai hind , will be remembered for ever . Will not let the nation n flag down . A promise
chunnilal shah
2023 at 3:11 pmi salute u