Service No: 4478440M

Place of Birth : Hoshiarpur dist (Pun)

Service: Army

Last Rank: Havaldar

Unit : 2 Sikh LI

Arm/Regt : The Sikh Light Infantry

Operation : CI & IS Ops

Date of Martyrdom : 17 Jan 2020

Hav Baljinder Singh

Havildar Baljinder Singh hailed from Zahura village in Tanda tehsil of Hoshiarpur district in Punjab. Son of Late Shri Gurbachan Singh and Smt. Kunti Devi, Hav Baljinder Singh wanted to join the armed forces since his younger days. He continued to pursue his dream and eventually got selected to join the army after completing his class XII in the year 1999. He was recruited into 2 Sikh LI of the Sikh Light Infantry Regiment, a regiment with a rich history of gallantry in various wars & operations.


After serving for few years, Hav Baljinder got married to Ms. Perdeep Kaur in 2007 and the couple had two sons Manavpreet and Vihaanpreet. By 2020, Hav Baljinder had put in about 20 years of service and had developed into a tough and professionally competent soldier. He was promoted to the rank of Havildar in 2017 and later in 2019 got posted to Siachen Glacier.


Siachen Snow Blizzard: 17 Jan 2020


During 2020, Hav Baljinder was serving with his unit that was deployed in the Siachen area. The unit was deployed at the Saltoro ridge along the AGPL (Actual Ground Position Line) South-West of the Siachen Glacier. Siachen is the second longest glacier in the world and is known as the world’s highest battleground, situated at an altitude of 5,700 meters. The extremely low temperatures – which can drop to minus 60 degrees Celsius during winter – have claimed hundreds of lives since 1984, when India and Pakistan stationed their troops on the Glacier. The soldiers at the Saltoro ridge located about 20 km South-West of Siachen have to fight not only the treacherous enemy but the extremely hostile weather too on a daily basis.


On 17th Jan 2020, Hav Baljinder was on patrol duty traversing through harsh icy terrain when he was hit by a snow blizzard. Hav Baljinder was air-lifted to the nearby military hospital in Leh for medical treatment. However, due to prolonged exposure to very extreme cold temperature conditions, Hav Baljinder developed hypothermia. Despite battling valiantly, he lost his life and was martyred. Hav Baljinder was a gallant and dedicated soldier who laid down his life in the line of his duty.


Havildar Baljinder Singh is survived by his mother Smt. Kunti Devi, wife Smt. Perdeep Kaur and two sons Manavpreet and Vihaanpreet.

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  • Abdul ajij

    2020 at 9:58 am Reply

    Hii sir me vi ak sena banna chahatahu apkitara kia me bansaku


    2021 at 12:07 pm Reply

    आपका बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद सर
    आपने हमारे देश के वीर जवानों को अमर कर दिया है इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से देश के लोगों को हमारे जवानों की वीरता और शहादत की जानकारी होगी।आम लोगों को कोई जानकारी ही नही होती है कि हमारे देश के जवान किन हालतों में ड्यूटी करते हुएऔर युद्ध में लड़ते हुए शहीद हो जाते है। मीडिया में भी सेना,जवानों की वीरता के विषय में कोई लेख नही आता। आपके इस कार्य से देश के युवाओं में देशभक्ति की भावना और Army join करने का जज्बा पैदा होगा।
    मैं भी Army में जाने का सपना देखता था सर लेकिन hight कम होने के कारण पूरा नही हो सका।

    एक बार फिर से आपका बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद सर


    2021 at 12:14 pm Reply

    Thanks you sir for this website

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