Last Rank : LAC

Unit : 110 HU AF

Arm/Regt : Indian Air Force

Operation : CI & IS Ops

Martyrdom : November 19, 2010

LAC S Kumar

LAC S Kumar joined the IAF as a technical tradesman after completing his schooling and subsequently got trained on helicopters. He was on the posted strength of 110 HU unit based at a forward air base in the north east in 2010. This helicopter unit played a major role in maintaining the army units deployed in far flung areas of the north east by air dropping the essential supplies. LAC S Kumar was a technical tradesman trained on MI-17 helicopter and was part of the technical team of the unit responsible for carrying out the maintenance and servicing of the aircraft.


Air-Maintenance Sortie : 19 Nov 2010


During Nov 2010, LAC S Kumar was serving with 110 HU based at Air Force Station Tezpur in Assam. The unit was operating Mi-17 transport helicopter, extensively used for air transport and logistics operations. 110 HU was raised at Tezpur with MI-4 helicopters on 10 Aug 1963 with Flight Lieutenant Krishan Kant Saini as its first Commanding Officer. Later on it was equipped with the versatile Mi-17 transport helicopters. Over the years, the unit had been providing assistance to civil authorities in entire North East, West Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa.  During that time, a number of Indian army units were deployed at many far-flung areas in the northeast sector where no motorable roads existed. The most of the supplies to these units were dependent on airdrops, undertaken by Indian Air Force as Air Maintenance operations. LAC S Kumar was tasked for one such air maintenance mission as crew member of the aircraft on 19 Nov 2010.


“Air-maintenance” sorties meant helicopter-aided support of forward army posts on the China frontier, at altitudes of 8,000ft to 14,000ft, where winds were high and oxygen density was almost 30 percent lower, and where supplies were either para-dropped or the helicopters made touch-and-go landings. The air-maintenance sortie of Mi-17 helicopter(Z-3026) belonging to 110 Helicopter Unit of the IAF( The helicopter and the air crew belonged to 110 HU except Flt Lt Akash Yadav, who was serving with 118 HU) took off from Tawang as planned on 19 Nov 2010 with 12 passengers on board including the air crew. Mi-17 with LAC S Kumar as air crew had a smooth flight in the beginning, but apparently developed a serious snag after some time.  One of the rotor blades of the helicopter apparently broke and a blast too was heard in the mid air and soon the helicopter crashed. 


The ill-fated Mi-17 helicopter crashed near the China frontier on a wooden hillock at Tepsha village near Bomdir area, about 6km from Tawang, from where it had taken off, at about 12:04 pm, leaving no survivors. This was the second time a plane had crashed mid-air on China's frontier in the same year.  Besides LAC S Kumar, the other brave hearts who lost their lives in the accident included Lt Col Mandar Nene, Flt Lt Akash Yadav, Flt Lt N Rai, Sgt M Debanath, Sgt M K Sharma, Corporal P Singh, AC Rahul, LAC A Bhandari, Sgt A Kumar, LAC Sudhakar and LAC Mohan. LAC S Kumar was a committed air warrior, who laid down his life in the service of the nation. 

  • If you find any information that is incorrect or inappropriate or have additional information about the soldier that can be added to his memorial site, please contact us by using the tab given below.
1 Comment
  • Ezabel Gomes

    2023 at 9:57 am Reply

    His Life

    In our warm cozy beds we sleep,
    And somewhere in a village a mother silently weeps.
    Her soldier son is out there fighting a battle,
    While his wife soothes the baby with a bright new rattle.

    I wake up in the morning,
    And complain about my burnt toast.
    While the soldier goes hungry planning for his next post.

    As I make my way through the day,
    Cribbing and complaining about a wasteful life.
    Oblivion of the hardships that our soldiers strive.

    Every hour, every minute, every second;
    Is a chance for us to cherish what we have.
    Only a soldier knows the worth;
    It’s time we understand.

    The family is in pain,
    But his life has not gone in vain.
    A beautiful life he insured for me and you,
    Let’s salute our soldiers for a future bright and new.

    Jai Hind!

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