Service No : 144187464
Date of Birth : Jul 02, 1976
Place of Birth : Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan
Service: Army
Last Rank : Lance Naik
Unit : 288 Med Regt
Arm/Regt : The Regt of Artillery
Award : Sena Medal
Date of Martyrdom : Apr 23, 2008
Lance Naik Rohitashwa Gurjar hailed from Jhunjhunu district in Rajasthan. Son of Sri Shivpal Ram, Lance Naik Rohitashwa Gurjar had joined the Army in 1996 and was recruited into 288 Med Regt of the Regiment of Artillery on 18th Mar 1996. By 2008, Lance Naik Gurjar had put in about 12 years of service and grown into a professionally competent and committed soldier. Lance Naik Gurjar also served in the northeast as part of Op Rhino for two years from 1998 to 2000.
Lance Naik Gurjar got married to Sanju Devi and the couple had two children, a son Saurabh and daughter Manju. During 2008, Lance Naik Gurjar was serving with the unit that was deployed along the LOC in J & K. His unit was based at the Army camp at Budhkarbu located about 50 Kms from Kargil and 111 Kms from Siachen base camp.
Budhkarbu Accident: 23 Apr 2008
During 2008 Lance Naik Gurjar’s unit was deployed along the LOC about 12 Kms from Namika La in J & K. The unit had its administrative HQs in Bhudkarbu Army camp located about 50 Kms from Kargil along the NH-1, the road connecting Srinagar and Leh. The road is prone to landslides and is very treacherous during rains and winter season when it is often closed for the traffic. On 23 April 2008, Lance Naik Gurjar was assigned the task of collecting the ammunition for the unit from 81 AMN Pt, the designated ammunition store for his unit.
Lance Naik Gurjar set off in a vehicle to carry out the assigned task, but the vehicle met with an accident on the way. The vehicle while negotiating a turn near Budhkarbu Army camp toppled and Lance Naik Gurjar got severely injured. He was shifted to nearby Military Hospital but Lance Naik Gurjar could not survive and later succumbed to his injuries. Lance Naik Gurjar was a valiant soldier who was devoted to his duty and laid down his life in the service of the nation. Lance Naik Rohitashwa Gurjar was given the award “Sena Medal” for his outstanding courage, commitment, and sacrifice.
Lance Naik Rohitashwa Gurjar is survived by his wife Sanju Devi, son Sourabh and daughter Manju.
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