Service No : IC-46716X

Place of birth : Jalandhar, Punjab

Service : Army

Last Rank : Major

Unit : 8 JAK LI

Arm/Regt : The J&K Light Infantry

Operation : CI & IS Ops

Awards : Shaurya Chakra

Martyrdom : June 17, 1998

Major Rohit Sharma SC

Major Rohit Sharma hailed from Jalandhar in Punjab. Son of a practicing doctor Dr Ved Vrat Sharma, he had two sisters as his siblings. He was very keen to join the Armed Forces right from his childhood and eventually joined the Indian army after completing his education. He was commissioned into 8 JAK LI of the famed Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry Regiment, an infantry Regiment known for its brave soldiers and rich history of various battle honours.


After completing his training he joined his unit and soon learnt the field craft skills. He developed into a committed soldier and gritty officer who commanded respect of his juniors and seniors as well. He was an athlete and a keen sportsman with very pleasant demeanor which endeared him to all the unit personnel. After serving for sometime, he got married to Ms Nevedita in the year 1996. 


Poonch Operation: 17 Jun 1998


During 1998, Maj Rohit Sharma’s unit 8 JAK LI was deployed in the Poonch district of J & K along the LOC with Col Satish Dua as its Commanding Officer. The LOC was highly active and volatile where ceasefire violations occurred very often and without any warning. It was also used by the terrorists for infiltration with the connivance of Pakistani security forces. The infiltration by the terrorists was invariably attempted under the cover of artillery fire or with the help of the Border Action Team(BAT). On 17 June 1998, the unit received information from the intelligence sources, about the presence of three hardcore terrorists in the village near to its Battalion HQs. Maj Rohit Sharma, who received the report immediately swung the QRT (Quick Reaction Team) into action. The commando platoon 'Ghatak" deployed a few kms away was also ordered to reach the suspected location. 


Maj Rohit Sharma and his soldiers reached the location and laid a cordon around it. He deployed his troops tactically on the nearby two-storeyed house as well. After the cordon was in place, Maj Rohit Sharma displaying commendable courage and leadership personally led the assault team and sneaked up to the target house. The terrorists on being cornered started firing indiscriminately which resulted in a fierce gun battle. After a while Maj Rohit Sharma observed some movement in a window from where the terrorists were firing. Sensing the gravity of the situation Maj Rohit Sharma crawled forward and lobbed a hand grenade through the window. This brave action of Maj Rohit Sharma proved to be turning point in the operation. Later after a prolonged exchange of fire, one terrorist tried to break through the cordon. Maj Rohit Sharma quickly intercepted him and fired at him from close range. However during the exchange of fire Maj Rohit Sharma too received gun shots and got seriously injured. He later succumbed to his injuries and was martyred. Eventually all the three terrorists were eliminated during the operation. 


Maj Rohit Sharma was a valiant soldier and a fine officer who led from the front and laid down his life in the service of the nation, following the highest traditions of the Indian Army. Maj Rohit Sharma was given the gallantry award, “Shaurya Chakra” for his exceptional courage, devotion to duty and supreme sacrifice. Maj Rohit Sharma is survived by his parents and two sisters.

  • If you find any information that is incorrect or inappropriate or have additional information about the soldier that can be added to his memorial site, please contact us by using the tab given below.
  • ts Naik karnail singh MATTU

    2022 at 8:40 pm Reply

    I miss you Major Rohit Sharma I miss you Major Rohit Sharma aapki bahut jad aati haa my hero

  • karnail singh

    2022 at 8:43 pm Reply

    I miss you Major Rohit Sharma I miss you Major Rohit Sharma Surya chakkar aap hamare Hero huo

  • karnail singh

    2022 at 8:45 pm Reply

    major Rohit Sharma I miss you Major Rohit Sharma I mis u i mis u

  • Rajeev Negi

    2022 at 10:15 pm Reply

    Good work Major.
    Jai Hind….

  • Bakshi

    2023 at 9:49 pm Reply

    Jai durge sab

  • Sarfraz ahmed

    2024 at 9:13 pm Reply

    I miss you major Rohit Sharma

  • Sarfraz ahmed

    2024 at 9:14 pm Reply

    I miss you major Rohit Sharma aap ki bahut yaad aayi hai

  • Kamlesh

    2024 at 4:18 am Reply

    Every soldiers of indian army are brave

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