Service No : 7778722
Date of Birth : Jul 22,1978
Birth Place : Bagalkote, Karnataka
Service: Army
Last Rank: Naik
Arm/Regt : Corps of Military Police
Date of Martyrdom : Oct 29, 2010
Naik Hanamanth Shankarappa Bhutali was born on 22 July 1978 in the Bagalkot district of Karnataka. Son of Sri Shankarappa and Smt Bhagirathi, Naik Hanamanth did his earlier education from his hometown in a government school. Youngest of the five siblings, Naik Hanamanth completed his schooling but could not go for higher studies as the family could not afford it.
Later, he joined the army in the year 1995 and was inducted into the Corps of Military Police. During his service career he served in various operational areas with different terrain and operating conditions. In the year 2000 Naik Hanamanth got married to Nilambika and the couple had two kids Deepa and Rakesh. He also took part in Op Parakram and Op Rakshak besides serving in various military stations in Punjab, J & K and Uttar Pradesh. In the year 2009, Naik Hanamanth got posted to a military base in Calcutta where he served till the last.
By 2010, Naik Hanamanth had put in 15 years of service and had grown into a professionally competent and committed soldier. However his life took a different turn when on 29th Oct 2010, while on duty suddenly he had a heart attack and got admitted in command hospital of Calcutta. He was given the required medical attention but could not be saved and a valiant and dedicated soldier was lost in the service of the nation.
Naik Hanamanth is survived by his wife Nilambika, daughter Deepa and son Rakesh.
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