Service No : 2501896N
Date of Birth : 24 Aug 1990
Place of Birth : Gurdaspur Dist(Pun)
Service: Army
Last Rank : Naik
Unit : 3 Punjab
Arm/Regt : The Punjab Regiment
Date of Martyrdom : 18 Nov 2019
Naik Maninder Singh hailed from Fatehgarh Churian village of Gurdaspur district in Punjab and was born on 24th Aug 1990. He came from a military family wherein his father late Sukhdev Singh too served in the army and had laid down his life in the line of his duty. After completing his school education, Nk Maninder Singh joined the army in the year 2008 at the age of 18 Years. He was recruited into the Punjab Regiment, an infantry regiment known for its gallant soldiers and numerous battle honours. After serving for few years Nk Maninder Singh got married to Ms. Akwinder Kaur and the couple had a son Ekam Jot Singh. By 2019 Nk Maninder Singh had served for over 10 years and had operated in various field areas with very challenging work environments.
Siachen Glacier Avalanche : 18 Nov 2019
During Nov 2019, Nk Maninder Singh’s unit was deployed in the northern sector of the Siachen glacier in J & K. This sector was one of the most remote parts of the glacier and remained inaccessible during winter. The troops besides manning designated posts also operated regular patrols to monitor the area along the border. Nk Maninder Singh along with Sep Manish Kumar, Sep Veerpal Singh, and Sep Dimpal Kumar was on one such patrol on 18th Nov 2019. While the patrol team was traversing through the snow-clad terrain a horrific avalanche struck giving them very little time to take any action. The soldiers faced extreme risks in manning the inhospitable terrain at heights of 19,000 feet under extreme weather conditions on the world’s highest battlefield. Avalanches usually take place due to the accumulation of snow and are triggered by morning sunlight. In other cases, when the slope of accumulated snow is between 60 to 80 degrees, the instability leads to an avalanche. Although the Army had a unit of the Snow Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE) in Jammu and Kashmir, with several observatories at various locations to issue warnings and alerts to the Army formations and units, it could not detect this avalanche.
The rescue operation was launched by the army with a team equipped with specialized types of equipment. However, the soldiers had got buried under tons of snow and could not be saved. Nk Maninder Singh was a valiant soldier who laid down his life at the age of 29-years in the line of his duty. Nk Maninder Singh is survived by his wife Smt Akwinder Kaur and son Ekam Jot Singh.
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Molik Sharma
2020 at 8:29 amSalute to Nk Maninder Singh and his family. We as a nation will always remain indebted to you. May god bless ekamjot and his mother with the strength to bear the loss.
Jai Hind
Sehnoor deep singh
2021 at 9:04 pmShaheed maninder Singh was from my village Ghonewal