Service No : 2799285W

Birth Place : Bhayale, Nashik (MH)

Service: Army

Last Rank: Naik

Unit : 41 RR

Arm/Regt : The Maratha Light Infantry

Operation : CI & IS Ops

Awards : Shaurya Chakra

Date of Martyrdom: Feb 13, 2016

Naik Shinde Shankar Chandrabhan SC

Naik Shinde Shankar Chandrabhan hailed from Bhayale village in Chandwad tehsil of Nashik district in Maharashtra. Coming from a humble agriculture background, 34-year-old Naik Shinde was the younger of two brothers. Fondly called Master for his instructional capabilities, Naik Shinde in his 15 years of service had served in various difficult and hostile places in India as well as abroad as part of UN force. Naik Shinde Shankar Chandrabhan was recruited into the Maratha Light Infantry Regiment and later deputed to serve with the 41 Rashtriya Rifles.


A physically fit having exceptional firing skills, Naik Shinde was also part of the UN peacekeeping mission in Southern Sudan in 2012. Earlier in 2006-07, he was posted in the same RR unit to combat militancy. His elder brother is a junior commissioned officer in the elite Para (Special Forces) battalion of the Indian army.


Kupwara Operation: 13 Feb 2016


During 2015-16, Naik Shinde Shankar Chandrabhan was serving with 41 Rashtriya Rifles unit, which was engaged in counter-insurgency operations in J & K.  The unit was operating in Kupwara district which was a terrorist-infested area and offered challenging situations on a regular basis. On 13 Feb 2016, the unit received information from the intelligence sources about the presence of some hardcore terrorists in the area under its control. A decision was taken to launch a search and destroy operation to deal with the dreaded terrorists.


Naik Shinde Shankar Chandrabhan was part of the team that spearheaded the operation. The team surrounded the suspected area and soon spotted the terrorists, who opened fire on being challenged. A fierce gun battle ensued and the troops succeeded in eliminating five terrorists belonging to Lashkar-e-Taiba group. However, during this heavy exchange of fire Naik Shinde Shankar Chandrabhan got severely injured and later succumbed to his injuries. During the operation, Naik Shinde Shankar Chandrabhan displayed outstanding courage and made the supreme sacrifice in the service of the nation.


Naik Shinde Shankar Chandrabhan was given the gallantry award “Shaurya Chakra” for his bravery, unyielding spirit and sacrifice. He is survived by his parents, wife and two children.

Profile Maintenance
  • This profile is currently being maintained by Honourpoint Foundation. However, we would invite the family members, unit/formation or former colleagues of this brave soldier to contribute additional information and maintain this memorial site as well, thereby assisting us in our endeavour to spread awareness about this great Indian and inspire future generations.

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  • Shashi

    2018 at 9:24 am Reply

    Salute to the braveheart..
    JAI Hind….

  • N Rangarajan

    2021 at 11:58 pm Reply

    Extra ordinary courage and spirit displayed by Late Naik Shankar Chandrabhan in eliminating hard core terrorists. But the injuries he has sustained in that operation did not allow him to survive. No words can describe the valour of our Indian Army soldiers for whom we are greatly indebted. The day our Indian Army completely rout the LET militant leadership and once and for all finish the LET, for that day we are all waiting. Our soldiers’ sacrifice will not go a waste. Jai Jawan! Jai Hind!!

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