Service No: 3202981A
Date of Birth : 01 Oct 1987
Place of Birth : Jodhpur dist (Raj)
Service: Army
Last Rank : Sepoy
Unit : 17 Jat
Arm/Regt : The Jat Regiment
Operation : CI & IS Ops
Date of Martyrdom : 13 Nov 2012
Sepoy Bhupendra Kalirana was born on 1st Oct 1987 and hailed from Budkiya village in Bhopalgarh tehsil of Jodhpur district in Rajasthan. Son of Shri Davar Ram and Smt Mathura Devi, Sep Bhupendra did his schooling from the State High School in his native Budkiya village. Born in a family wherein many of its members served in the armed forces, Sep Bhupendra had a strong inclination to join the army right from his childhood. After completing his class XII Sep Bhupendra joined the army on 9th Oct 2006 at the age of 19 years.
He was recruited into 17 Jat Battalion of the Jat Regiment, an infantry regiment with a rich history of gallant soldiers and battle honours. After serving for few years Sep Bhupendra got married to Ms. Guddi Devi on 12th Mar 2011 and the couple had a son Surya. Their second son Prakash was born 7 months after the martyrdom of Sep Bhupendra.
Nawgam Operation: 13 Nov 2012
During 2012, Sep Bhupendra Kalirana’s unit was deployed in Nawgam sector in Srinagar dist of J&K for counter-insurgency operations. The AOR (Area of Operation) of the unit was prone to infiltration by the militants from across the border and consequently, the unit troops had to maintain a very high state of alert at all times. The unit had to launch operations against the militants at regular intervals. One such counter-infiltration operation was planned on 13th Nov 2012 based on the information received by intelligence sources. Sep Bhupendra Kalirana was part of the team that was assigned the task of this operation.
Sep Bhupendra Kalirana along with his team members reached the suspected area to foil the infiltration attempt. Soon the troops made contact with the infiltrators who fired at them on being challenged. A fierce gun battle followed thereafter lasting for four long hours. The infiltrators were heavily armed and were using automatic weapons. Sep Bhupendra Kalirana and his comrades finally succeeded in eliminating all the militants thereby foiling the infiltration bid completely. However, during the exchange of fire, Sep Bhupendra Kalirana and his comrade Mahendrapal Jat got seriously injured and later succumbed to their injuries. Sep Bhupendra Kalirana was valiant and determined soldier who made the supreme sacrifice in the line of his duty. Sep Bhupendra Kalirana’s mortal remains were consigned to flames in a ground opposite to the school in his village where he had studied. A memorial of Sep Bhupendra Kalirana also has been erected in his honour in that ground.
Sepoy Bhupendra Kaliran is survived by his father Davar Ram, mother Smt Mathura Devi, wife Smt Guddi Devi, sons Surya & Prakash and two brothers Jagdeesh & Rajendra.
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