Service No: IC-54507
Date of Birth : 08, July 1972
Service: Army
Last Rank: Captain
Unit : 7 Maratha LI
Arm/Regt: The Maratha Light Infantry
Operation: Op Parakram
Date of Martyrdom :10 Feb, 2002
Captain S Srinivas was born on 08th July 1972. Since, his childhood, he was inspired to join the armed forces and joined the Army after completing his education. He was commissioned into the 7th Battalion of Maratha Light Infantry Regiment, the regiment known for his valiant Soldiers and various battle honours. During 2002, Captain S Srinivas’s unit was deployed in J&K as a part of Op Parakram. Captain S Srinivas while engaged in a counter-insurgency operation laid down his life in service of the nation on 10th February 2002.
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Shekhar Sethu
2019 at 9:58 pmBrave Capt. S. Srinivas born on 8th of July 1972 was commissioned in to the 7th Battalion of Maratha Li Gave his supreme sacrifice in the line of duty on 10th of February 2002. A loyal, fiercely patriotic officer who passed out of Indian Military Academy, Dehradun was inspired to join the Army from a very young age.
Col Jagdish Madan
2019 at 12:02 pmI was fortunate to have known Capt S Sriniwas personally and had a close association with him in 7 MARATHA LI. He was a dedicated soldier, a friend in need and a fine human being.
His kindness to parents of Capt Mukherji, a Kargil martyr, stood him apart as a most compassionate soul. Even as he was ever so busy, being the adjutant of the Battalion, he made sure to find time for the devastated parents in Port Blair.
His sudden departure for heavenly abode came as a great shock to me and all ranks of the unit. We share the sorrow of his family in this loss and join them in their prayers for peace of the departed soul.
We have missed Capt S Srinivas sorely. God rest our dear friend!
2019 at 8:11 pmDeeply appreciate your kind comments Col Madan, Capt. Srinivas held you in the highest esteem as a leader and mentor.
Dheeraj Modgil
2019 at 1:29 pmDedicated soldier, true to his profession, humane, industrious, a motivated soul,
ever smiling ………
These are just few qualities penned down by me, amongst others, which were possessed by Capt S Srinivas. I joined the unit in 2000 and he was doing Adjutant at that point of time. Had a great association with him as a senior. He was an awesome personality. It was a shocking news, when we heard about his untimely departure to the heavenly abode. We pray to the God to bless his soul with eternal peace and give strength to all the family members to bear this irreparable loss.
Om Shanti.
2019 at 8:12 pmThank you Dheeraj, Deeply touched by your moving tribute. Shekhar
2019 at 8:09 pmThe Best Brother I could ever have. Will always remain immortal in my memory.
Deb Kumar Singha
2021 at 4:44 amI fully endorse and appreciate your initiative.
Great going.
Sathyanarayana K
2022 at 12:23 pmHappy birthday dear brother. Miss you Krishna.
Shekhar Anna, you are doing the right things which will make our bro happy sitting above.
Let’s keep it coming.