Birth place: Durgapur, West Bengal

Service: Navy

Last Rank: EMR II

Unit: INS Sindhurakshak

Date of Martyrdom : Aug 14, 2013

EMR II Malay Haldar

EMR II Malay Haldar (22) hailed from Durgapur ,West Bengal. EMR II Malay Haldar was always keen on joining armed forces and dropped out of an engineering college to join the Indian Navy. In 2011, he joined the Navy and completed his training from INS Chilika.


INS Sindhurakshak Disaster : August 2013


On 14 Aug 2013, EMR II Malay Haldar was onboard INS Sindhurakshak, the 3000-tonne Kilo class submarine, powered by a combination of diesel generators and electric batteries. On that day, the submarine at Naval dockyard in Mumbai was rocked by a series of explosions and started sinking along with 18 crew members with 3 officers and 15 sailors.


It was an accident in the fully-loaded weapons compartment of INS Sindhurakshak that caused things to spiral out of control with some missile and torpedo warheads exploding in “sympathetic detonation”. The Kilo-class submarine, with a full complement of 18 missiles and torpedoes, was slated to head for “a long deployment patrol” on August 14 itself.


The Navy swung into action to rescue the trapped personnel however their struggle to save them became harder as the submarine was filled with muddy and murky water and the visibility was extremely poor. Due to water filling, an extremely restricted access was available and most of the equipment from their original locations were also displaced. The heat of the explosion had melted parts of the internal hull deforming the submarine hatches and prevented access to the compartments.


The Naval divers were able to prise open the conning tower, which was fused shut due to the heat of the blast, to enable rescuers to enter. Heavy duty pumps were used to pump out the water from the submarine however it took considerable time to locate the crews of the submarine . By 19th August 7 of 18 missing sailors’ bodies were recovered while another 6 were recovered by 31st of August.

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1 Comment
  • Ezabel Gomes

    2021 at 12:39 am Reply

    His Life

    In our warm cozy beds we sleep,
    And somewhere in a village a mother silently weeps.
    Her soldier son is out there fighting a battle,
    While his wife soothes the baby with a bright new rattle.

    I wake up in the morning,
    And complain about my burnt toast.
    While the soldier goes hungry planning for his next post.

    As I make my way through the day,
    Cribbing and complaining about a wasteful life.
    Oblivion of the hardships that our soldiers strive.

    Every hour, every minute, every second;
    Is a chance for us to cherish what we have.
    Only a soldier knows the worth;
    It’s time we understand.

    The family is in pain,
    But his life has not gone in vain.
    A beautiful life he insured for me and you,
    Let’s salute our soldiers for a future bright and new.

    Jai Hind!

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