Service No : JC-155827L

Date of Birth : August 30, 1949

Place of birth : Rajouri Dist (J&K)

Service : Army

Last Rank : Naib Subedar

Unit : 8 JAK LI

Arm/Regt : The J & K Light Infantry

Operation : Op Meghdoot

Awards : Vir Chakra

Martyrdom : September 23, 1987

Nb Sub Lekh Raj VrC

Naib Subedar Lekh Raj Choudhary hailed from Dabbar Potha village in the Nowshera tehsil of Rajouri district in Jammu and Kashmir and was born on 30 August 1949. Son of Shri Major Ram, after completing his studies, Nb Sub Lekh Raj joined the Indian Army on 30 Aug 1967 at the age of 18 years and was recruited into the 8 JAK Light Infantry of the famed Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry Regiment, a regiment known for its brave soldiers and numerous successful operations in various wars and ongoing border skirmishes.


Op Meghdoot: 23 Sep 1987


During May 1987, Nb Sub Lekh Raj's unit was deployed at the Siachen Glacier. After the end of the first Indo-Pak War of 1947-48, a Cease Fire Line (CFL) was established from Manawar in Jammu to Khor (NJ9842) in Ladakh, just short of the Karakoram glaciers. No precise line was extended beyond this and under the Shimla Agreement of 1972, the CFL was redefined and named as the Line of Control (LoC). After provocative actions by Pakistan in the Siachen area, India captured the area in 1984 during Operation Meghdoot. Later, Pakistan launched an assault in the area, gaining control of the highest peak in the area, located to the south of Bilafond La. In April 1986, the Pakistanis established a military post on the peak and re-named the peak as “Quaid Post”. In another provocative action, on 23 Sep 1987, Pakistani forces launched an attack on an Indian post at an altitude of approximately 18,000 feet in the Siachen glacier area that formed part of the Bilafondla complex overlooking Saltoro Pass.


Nb Sub Lekh Raj was commanding that post, which was held by a section strength of the 8th Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry battalion. Towards the south of this feature, there was an enemy's post form where they launched attacks on that day accompanied by heavy artillery firing. Nb Sub Lekh Raj, immeditely swung into action and strategically positioned his men and weapons to prevent any breach of the forward defenses. The enemy started attacking the post at 0800 hours and continued relentless attacks which were beaten back under Nb Sub Lekh Raj's courageous and able leadership. When the enemy was trying hard to gain a foothold on the North Western Ridge, Nb Sub Lekh Raj along with two other soldiers went forward to dislodge them. He himself manned the medium machine gun and caused heavy casualties on the enemy’s troops preventing them from gaining any foothold. During this fierce fighting, Naib Subedar Lekh Raj was hit by a missile and was badly wounded. Despite his injuries, he continued to lead his men with unwavering determination until he succumbed to his wounds and attained martyrdom. Nb Sub Lekh Raj was a valiant and dedicated Junior Commissioned Officer, who laid down his life at the 38 years in the line of his duty. Nb Sub Lekh Raj Choudhary was given the gallantry award, “Vir Chakra” posthomously for his exceptional courage, devotion to duty and supreme sacrifice.


Naib Subedar Lekh Raj Choudhary is survived by his wife Smt Ram Piyari.

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