Place of Birth : Mathura, UP

Service: Army

Last Rank : Sepoy

Unit : 20 Jat

Arm/Regt : The Jat Regiment

Date of Martyrdom : Aug 13, 2018

Sepoy Pushpendra Singh

Sepoy Pushpendra Singh hailed from Khutia village of Mathura District in Uttar Pradesh. Son of Sri Tej Singh, Sep Pushpendra was born in the year 1987 and joined the Army in 2011 . He was recruited into 20 Jat of the famed Jat Regiment , a regiment known for its fearless soldiers and numerous battle exploits. Sep Pushpendra Singh got married at the age of 27 years to Sudha, a resident of Agra on 17th Feb 2016, and the couple had a son, Siddharth. 


LOC Firing(Tangdhar Sector) : 13 Aug 2018


During 2018, Sepoy  Pushpendra Singh’s unit was deployed in Tangdhar sector of North Kashmir in Kupwara district along the LOC. India shares a 3,323-km border with Pakistan, of which 221 km of the IB and 740 km of the LOC fall in Jammu and Kashmir. The LOC is highly active and volatile where cease fire violations occur very often. On 13th Aug, 2018 Pakistani troops violated the cease fire  and started heavy mortar shelling on Indian Army Posts. Indian Army retaliated strongly, effectively and appropriately to the unprovoked ceasefire violation and the exchange of fire continued for several hours.


During the heavy exchange of fire, two Pakistani soldiers were gunned down and Sep Pushpendra Singh too got severely injured.  Sep Pushpendra Singh was rushed immediately to 92 Base hospital in Srinagar but he later succumbed to his injuries and was martyred. Sep Pushpendra Singh was a disciplined and committed soldier who laid down his life in the service of the nation.


Sepoy Pushpendra Singh is survived by his wife Sudha, son Siddharath and parents.

Profile Maintenance

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  • Varun Harish

    2018 at 11:17 am Reply

    We all are proud of you. Thank you

  • Tishya Srivastava

    2018 at 11:25 am Reply

    Thank you Sir for protecting the whole of India just like your very own family! You will always be remembered in our hearts.. Jai Hind!

  • Sanya Kinariwala

    2018 at 1:10 pm Reply

    My words or any appreciation will fall short to match your contribution to the country. They talk about heros, you Sir, are a hero, you have made us all very proud, and each and every person in this country owes their sound, undisturbed lifes to you and your bravery!

  • Vaishali vishwanath Khemka

    2018 at 3:34 pm Reply

    Today, we are peacefully celebrating 72nd Independence day due to such selfless soldiers….All of us are indebted to his sacrifice..

  • Hony Captain Om Parkash

    2019 at 10:33 am Reply

    May the soul of brave soldier RIP. Till the day such supreme sacrifices are made by such warriors, no enemy in the world dare us to show their eyes and fingers. Request countrymen to pay tribute to real hero like pushpendra singh.

  • Kaushik

    2019 at 2:54 pm Reply

    We are proud of you sir. Salute you sir.

  • Sujata sood

    2019 at 7:33 pm Reply


  • chinnu

    2019 at 10:06 pm Reply

    Miss you my dear martial soldiers….
    Jai Hind

  • Ranjan Prasad Singh

    2019 at 4:12 pm Reply

    आपकी इस शहादत के लिए हम कृतज्ञ हैं।

  • Vijaya Nadkarni

    2019 at 12:09 pm Reply

    Salutations to you for your martyrdom. Pray your family is able to bear the great loss.

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