Place of Birth: Obulapuram,AP
Service: Army
Last Rank: Sepoy
Arm/Regt: The Madras Regment
Date of Martyrdom : Oct 12,2017
Sepoy T K Reddy belonged to Obulapuram village in Tehsil Giddaluru of Prakasam district in Andhra Pradesh. He got selected to the army after completing his school education an was recruited into The Madras Regiment, an infantry Regiment well known for its dauntless soldiers and numerous battle exploits. In the year 2017, he was serving with the 25 RR Battalion, deployed in J&K for counter-insurgency operations.
LOC Firing : Krishna Ghati sector (12 Oct 2017)
Pakistan Army initiated ‘unprovoked’ firing on Indian Army posts in Krishna Ghati sector on 12 Oct 2017 since 10.35 AM. The Indian forces retaliated in the befitting manner and the exchange of fire continued for several hours.
During the exchange of fire, one of the forward posts in Khari Karmara area of Poonch came under direct attack from across the LoC. Intermittent firing in the area continued for several hours during the day triggering panic among the border residents living in the forward areas. Sep T K Reddy got severely injured during this exchange of fire and was airlifted to the command hospital at Udhampur. However the 21 years old soldier succumbed to his injuries and was martyred.
Sep T K Reddy is survived by his mother Gowramma.
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Valsan Kunnath
2017 at 10:53 pmSalute You Young Brave soldier. You will never be forgotten and will always be saluted for your ultimate sacrifice. JAI HIND
Yadvendra chaubey
2017 at 10:44 amSalute to your supreem sacrifices. RIP
Yadvendra chaubey
2017 at 10:48 amNo words, only salute on your supreem sacrifices. RIP
Lavanya Jyothi
2017 at 12:20 pmYou shall remain a source of inspiration to all Indians for generations to come..Jai Hind
शुभम कुमार
2017 at 8:04 pmदोस्त आपकी बहादुरी को सलाम करता हूं।।
Kanupriya Bazaz
2017 at 4:18 pmSalute to u brave Heart! Jai Hind
Arup Ghoshal
2017 at 9:37 amSalute you Jawan. Jai Hind
2017 at 12:31 pmYou are a hero and you will be remembered as a hero.
Debashish Lenka
2017 at 3:23 pmSalute Sir , RIP .JAI HIND
Deepak B
2017 at 6:47 pmSalute you man you are my inspiration