shanthanu basu

Service No : 22947 F(P)

Service: Air Force

Last Rank: Squadron Leader

Unit : 114 HU, AF

Award: Shaurya Chakra

Date of Martyrdom : Apr 11, 2007

 Squadron Leader Shantanu Basu, SC

Squadron Leader Shantanu Basu was a trained helicopter pilot of the Indian Air Force. After completing his flying training, he served with various helicopter units based at far flung Air Force bases. During 2006-07, Sqn Ldr Basu was serving with 114 HU unit based at Air Force Station Leh. The unit was operating Cheetah helicopter, which was a single engine small helicopter used for ferrying of personnel and  logistics support to far flung areas.
Air Support Operation : 11 Apr 2007
One of the main roles of 114 Helicopter Unit based at Air Force Station Leh, was to provide logistic support to the troops deployed in remote and inaccessible areas of J & K including Siachen glacier.  On 11 Apr 07, Sqn Ldr Basu was detailed for an air logistics support sortie to Amar helipad located on the Siachen Glacier as the leader in a two aircraft formation. The Siachen Glacier is the highest battlefield in the world and flying over this vast frozen ice mass demands flying skills of very high order. The margin for error in this environment, while flying the single engine Cheetah aircraft, was practically non-existent.
Sqn Ldr Basu along with his co-pilot Flt Lt Amit Sharma took off from the Air Force base as planned and reached the post with in the stipulated time frame. The sortie was uneventful till the final approach. However as the tail winds were significant , an overshoot had to be initiated on the short finals. The helicopter experienced a sudden loss of power and height after crossing the helipad. Sqn Ldr Basu maintained his cool in this unusual emergency and handled the situation in a competent manner, displaying a high degree of professionalism. He asked his co-pilot to keep a close check on the engine parameters and initially tried to recover the aircraft by reducing the power demand smoothly.
Unfortunately, the aircraft failed to respond to the emergency actions by the air crew and  continued to lose height. Sqn Ldr Basu therefore took the highly courageous decision of attempting to force land across the AGPL(Actual Ground Position Line). However, due to the absence of a suitable force landing field in the harsh, snow bound and sloping terrain, the helicopter crashed. The aircraft crashed about 300 meters ahead of Amar Helipad, in direct line of sight of the Pakistani post. Sqn Ldr Basu and Flt Lt Amit Sharma could not survive the crash and laid down their lives in the service of the nation.
Sqn Ldr Shantanu Basu, like a true air warrior, displayed exceptional courage and gallantry beyond the call of duty, keeping in line with the best traditions of the IAF. He was  given the gallantry award “Shaurya Chakra”  for his act of conspicuous courage, professional competence and supreme sacrifice.

Squadron Leader Shantanu Basu is survived by his mother and wife Roopa Basu.

The citation for the Shourya Chakra awarded to him reads:
Squadron Leader Basu was detailed for an air logistic sortie to Amar helipad located on the Siachen Glacier, as the leader in two aircraft formation on 11 April 2007. Flying over this vast frozen ice mass entails flying in the extremes of climatic conditions over exceedingly inhospitable terrain. The sortie was uneventful till the final approach. On short finals, an overshoot had to be initiated as tail winds were encountered. The helicopter experienced a sudden loss of power and height after crossing the helipad. Sqn Ldr Basu maintained his cool in the unusual emergency and handled the situation in a competent manner displaying a high degree of professionalism. He asked his copilot to keep a close check on the engine parameters and initially tried to recover the aircraft by reducing the power demand smoothly. The engine jet pipe temperature (JPT) also shot up. Unfortunately, the JPT failed to respond to the emergency actions by the pilot and the aircraft contintued to lose height. He therefore took the highly courageous decision of attempting to force land across the Actual Ground Position Line. However, due to the absence of a suitable force landing field in the harsh, snow bound and sloping terrain, the helicopter crashed having no chance of survival of the crew. Squadron Leader Shantanu Basu displayed exceptional courage and gallantry in the face of imminent death in dangerous circumstances beyond the call of duty.
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  • Deepak Jain

    2020 at 10:12 pm Reply

    Shantanu you are the real hero…….And still shinning like a star in the sky ….We all can feel your presence…..

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