Service No : IC76583F

Birth Place : Dugoli dist (U'khand)

Service: Army

Rank :Major

Unit : 62 RR/21 Dogra

Arm/Regt : The Dogra Regiment

Operation : CI & IS Ops

Date of Martyrdom: Aug 3, 2017

Major Kamlesh Pandey

Major Kamlesh Pandey hailed from Dugoli village in Haldwani district of Uttarakhand. Son of Sri Bhuvan Chand Pande, Maj Kamlesh had got selected as an airman in the IAF and later joined the Army as a commissioned officer. After serving for a couple of years with his parent unit, Maj Kamlesh Pandey was deputed to serve with 62 Rashtriya Rifles battalion deployed in J & K area for counter insurgency operations.


During 2017, Maj Kamlesh Pandey’s was deployed in Shopian district of J & K, and was involved in operations against the militants on a regular basis. On 02 Aug 2017, Maj Kamlesh Pandey participated in yet another such operation in Shopian district.


 Shopian Operation : Aug 03,2017 


On the late night of 2nd August 2017, Maj Kamlesh Pandey’s unit received information from the intelligence sources about the presence of terrorists in Zaipora area of Shopian district. It was decided to launch an operations against the terrorists and deal with the threat. As planned the assault team led by Maj Kamlesh Pandey reached the suspected area and launched the search and cordon operation. At around 2 am on 3rd Aug, while the operation was underway, the troops of 62 RR came under attack from the terrorists, firing from vantage points.


A fierce gun battle ensued thereafter with heavy exchange of fire. Three soldiers including Maj Kamlesh Pandey were injured, who were rushed to Army’s 92 base hospital in Srinagar. Maj Kamlesh Pandey took five bullets including one on the neck and two on lungs injuring him severely.  Consequently Maj Kamlesh Pandey succumbed to the injuries, en-route to the hospital and was martyred. Maj Kamlesh was a brave and committed soldier who laid down his life in the line of his duty, living up to the highest traditions of Indian Army .

Profile Maintenance
  • This profile is currently being maintained by Honourpoint Foundation. However, we would invite the family members, unit/formation or former colleagues of this brave soldier to contribute additional information and maintain this memorial site as well, thereby assisting us in our endeavour to spread awareness about this great Indian and inspire future generations.

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  • Vinayak HR

    2017 at 3:04 pm Reply

    Salute to young officer

  • Vinayak HR

    2017 at 3:06 pm Reply

    Long live all our heroes

  • Chunni lal shah

    2017 at 10:35 am Reply

    तेरी शहादत को नही भूलेंगे। नमन करते हैं तुमको झुककर।
    कर दिया ऊंचा नाम तूने । सलाम करते हैं हम सब झुककर।

  • Harsh Choubey

    2017 at 8:28 pm Reply

    We salute your sacrifice. Jai hind!

  • Salini chandran

    2017 at 7:15 pm Reply

    Big salute to young officer

  • Shashi

    2017 at 7:08 am Reply

    Your sacrifice will always be remembered and you will remain a hero for Indians sir .
    Jai Hind………..

  • Kavita Kamtikar

    2017 at 8:46 pm Reply

    Salute to Major Kamlesh Pandey, bravest of the brave. We fellow Indians are forever indebted to your supreme sacrifice.

  • Rehan Khan

    2017 at 12:05 pm Reply

    We can never thank you enough “Honourable Maj Kamlesh Pandey. you will be always a Kamlesh for us as the name implies “lord vishnu”. Lots of respect for your ultimate sacrifice. Jai Hind .

  • sudarshan kumar soni

    2017 at 11:23 am Reply

    Big salute to major kamlesh he laid his life for the country . many young officers and soldiers have laid their life it really hurts us . I am waiting for the day when all this will stop or will be minimal . thanks to the trio and the team which for the first time gave us an opportunity to pay tribute to martyrdom . I belonged to jabalpur and i remember my late father vallbhdas ji who when ever any such incident happed and soldier if belonged to jabalpur he used to reach his family bare foot for consolation.

  • Yadvendra chaubey

    2017 at 11:49 am Reply

    Majar sahab, your Supreme sacrifice will always be remembered. Big salute to you Sir. Jai Hind

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